Meet ACCESO Amiga: Kayla

During our 25th Anniversary celebration, we are introducing you to the former and current members of the ACCESO Amigos Club through which events are held to create an atmosphere of international friendship and education among elementary-aged children and are co-facilitated by youth volunteers. This month, meet Kayla, a former Amigos Club participant and leader who has become a dedicated volunteer and an enthusiastic member of our 25th Anniversary committee.

I have participated in many ACCESO events over the years. During the annual Sounds and Tastes event, my volunteer roles have included helping out with set up and clean up, being a greeter, selling merchandise, assisting with the auction, and serving tables. Being part of the ACCESO community, since I was born, has given me the opportunity to learn about culture and education all around the world in a unique way. For example, being exposed to Latin American music, dance, and food were things that I experienced for the first time at ACCESO events.

Being part of the 25th anniversary committee has given me a creative outlet, as well as feeling like I have a purpose that is greater than simply school and work. I have come to realize what a privilege it is to have access to education, which is why I am eager to share ACCESO’s initiatives with others. The passion that the volunteers share about giving the gift of education is a powerful, contagious energy that always lights up the room at meetings and events! Whether you are a volunteer, a donor, or a recipient of our donations, I hope that you feel the love and commitment that brings this organization to life, as I do.
