In 2005, we established two education projects. In Verrettes, we provided educational supplies and education-oriented equipment for the homework centre of project ‘Timoun Tèt Ansanm’. This project offers literacy support to at-risk, impoverished and orphaned children. In Gonaîves, we provided educational supplies and a much-needed meal program at a primary school that was severely damaged by a hurricane in 2004.
In 2007, we supported a photography and writing project in Verrettes through which the youth produced a community booklet to share with the local residents. The following year, we supported a children’s congress, summer camps and bursaries; all these initiatives support literacy for at-risk and orphaned children in Haïti.
Following the devastating earthquake in 2010, ACCESO supported the reconstruction of 6 primary schools in various areas surrounding Port-au-Prince, in order to enable them to take on the extra influx of children escaping from the devastation in the city. Our help included building expansions, buying supplies and used computers, providing meals and uniforms, paying for teachers’ salaries and providing scholarships.
Our work continued on with these relief efforts and, in 2014, we sponsored health education workshops in Port-au-Prince and further post-earthquake reconstruction of primary schools, as well as the educational programming at the homework centre in the Verrettes area.
For the past ten years, we have also supported a capacity-building program at a teacher’s training facility in the same area.
Our work in Haïti is not finished. With the help of dedicated donors and volunteers, we will continue to support students and teachers as they courageously pursue educational opportunities amidst ongoing natural disasters and civil unrest.
From us at École Normale and École Congréganiste Nationale Dumarsais de Verrettes, Haïti, well, the time has come to say a huge thank you, a very special thank you, and a well deserved thank you, to ACCESO’s entire team during its 25th year of existence.
Jean Élie (School Administrator/Accountant)
I would like to thank the ACCESO foundation for the support it has given to L’École Normale de Verrettes … Without this foundation … École Normale could not get to the point it is today. The ACCESO foundation provides us with power for lighting. This foundation helps us to have electronics and devices that will help us to work online. Today we are the only institution in Verrettes to be able to have distance learning and it is thanks to the ACCESO foundation.
Polynice (School Director)