Promoting and enabling greater access to all levels of education in Latin America, the Caribbean and Canada. Learn more …
What’s New
Trivia Night Follow Up 2024!
The trivia night fundraiser at ALE in Stittsville on November 1 was a great success. In addition to a fun night of trivia, we also had a silent auction and Fair-Trade items for sale. We raised $5500 that will go to our projects thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, auction item donors and our guests. Congratulations to the winning team: School’s Out.

Back-to-School Project 2024
In mid-August, ACCESO volunteers shopped, packed and delivered 133 backpacks filled with school supplies to low-income immigrant families through our partnership with South East Ottawa Community Health Centre. The students were in grades JK-12. Half of the students were in grades 7-12, groups that are not usually supported by other organizations. Besides school supplies, elementary students received a lunch bag, and the older students received a reusable water bottle.
We are grateful for the support of our donors and the work of our volunteers who make this project possible.

Indigenous Student Post-Secondary Education in Canada

We are pleased to announce that, as part of our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation in Canada, and in collaboration with Indigenous Education staff members of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, ACCESO International has initiated an Indigenous Student Post-Secondary Bursary program which helps First Nations, Inuit and Métis youth in the Ottawa area with their post-secondary education.
Although ACCESO International is not a government organization, we aim to contribute to reducing education gaps for Indigenous students (Call to Action # 7), and to increasing funding for post-secondary education for Indigenous students (Call to Action # 11).
The bursaries assist students with various education-related costs including tuition, books, school supplies, computer equipment, accommodations, transportation and groceries.
The first two recipients began their studies at a local college in September 2022; two more students started their programs at a local college and university in September 2023; and another student enrolled in a program at an Ontario-based college in September 2024.
With your generous support, we’ll be able to provide additional bursaries for many more students in the future.
Please note that bursary recipients choose their own program of study, as well as the college or university they attend.
Thank you for sharing in our efforts to uphold every child’s right to safe, healthy, and uplifting education!